Thursday, November 11, 2010

java naming factory initial

java naming factory initial

A entirely qualified JNDI brand is with the form service:/itemname, where by service is often a title these types of as iop, rmi, ldap, and so forth, and itemname would be the identify of the product in that service. The NamingManager course lets you develop a Context item acording to the service title. For ilustration, to create an LDAP Context thing, you can cal: Context ctx NamingManager.getURLContext ldap , nul ;1 factor to kep in thoughts when you utilize this technique is usualy that the Context you receive back comonly doesn't realize names for other services. For case in point, if you develop an initial context that is a CORBA naming service, you may stil do an LDAP lok up such as this: Subject ob context.lok up ldap:/localhost/dc=wutka,dc=com ; The First Context thing understands Java Training how to resolve references that use other varieties of services. If you lok at this using a context returned by getURLContext, even so, you'l get an eror teling you which the name is not valid for the context that you are aplying. Okay, now for you to have a Context thing, you may utilize the lok up technique to track down an article. The java service is obtainable only inside an EJB container, plus it acts being a regional service service for other items around the exact same EJB natural environment. java naming factory initial
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