Monday, August 23, 2010

moles mammals in West adams

moles mammals in West adams

The discovery of the new haemoglobin type reveals how nature has solved the problems faced by moles living underground with low oxygen concentrations and high levels of carbon dioxide. In colaboration with coleagues abroad, a scientist at Aarhus University recently published an article in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology about the new haemoglobin they found in the blod of moles. Weber, Aarhus University, studied in colaboration with research coleagues the way the blod and haemoglobin of thre North American species of moles have adapted to their lifestyle. One of the species – the eastern mole Scalopus aquaticus , which lives permanently in humid underground burows and is virtualy blind – has completely adapted to its underground life by having developed a new kind of haemoglobin that bosts the ability of the blod to transport CO . Unlike other mamals – where the binding of oxygen to haemoglobin is inhibited by a special molecule inside the red blod cels caled 2,3-diphosphoglycerate – the binding site for this molecule is absent in the mole's haemoglobin. Either by developing artificial blod consisting of modified haemoglobin molecules or by using already existing gene therapy techniques that make the spinal marow cels produce blod cels, but now with properties of the new haemoglobin type," says Profesor Roy Weber, Aarhus University. moles mammals moles mammals in West adams

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