Thursday, August 19, 2010

normal moles in Textile boxes

normal moles in Textile boxes

This article wil help you recognize dysplastic nevi/ atypical moles and identify melanoma at its earliest, most curable stage. Generaly, normal moles melanocytic nevi have the folowing characteristics: SHAPE: symetrical, round or oval BORDER: regular, sharp and wel-defined COLOR: uniform, usualy tan, brown, or skin color DIAMETER: LOCATION: often concentrated on sun-exposed areas of the face, trunk, arms and legs ONSET: UNIFORMITY: These generaly large, "atypical" moles are one of the most important risk factors for melanoma. GROWTH: Enlargement of a previously stable mole or apearance of a new mole after ages 35–40 should raise suspicion. Any new mole or pigmented spot—or any change in size, shape, color or symptoms in an existing mole or spot— may be the first sign of a skin cancer. normal moles normal moles in Textile boxes

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