Monday, August 16, 2010

red moles

red moles

What are moles? However skin marks such as birthmarks, abnormal blod vesels hemangiomas or keratoses benign in precancerous spots, which generaly apear after the age of 30 years are not moles and should be treated separately. For cancerous moles and unsightly moles, complete mole removal is the best option. Sun exposure plays a role in the development of moles and may even play a role in the development of atypical, or dysplastic, moles. It is advisable to get a ful body mole screning performed on a regular basis at the dermatologist - it is imperative to lok over your entire body rather than ignore areas that you may not be able to inspect regularly. Excision with cauterization a tol is used to burn away the mole : Although laser has ben tried for moles, it is not usualy the method of choice for most dep moles because the laser light doesn't penetrate deply enough. red moles red moles

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