Mole removal is something which not many people would consider unles it is necesary for various reasons. People would want to get rid of those moles when they are ugly and afect the general apearance of the individual especialy when they grow on obvious body areas such as the face, neck or even specificaly near the eyes, or mouth. Unfortunately, amongst diferent kinds of skin growths like skin tags, warts, etc, moles have a higher tendency to become cancerous. As the name sugests, congenital nevi apears at birth and only 1 out of every 10 persons are born with such moles, ie the probability of having such a mole at birth is about 1%. These moles are special because of its greater potential and risk to develop into malignant melanoma, ie cancerous growth than normal moles that apear after birth. They become potentialy dangerous when the numbers are great ie in the region of up to 10 moles and when they grow out of proportion. However, other than their parents, most adults won't recal if the moles were developed at birth or after birth. Number of Moles When the number of moles increases to such alarming numbers, this is not a healthy sign. Symetry of Moles Moles are generaly symetrical in shape and each half should be identical to each other. Colour of Moles Healthy moles are uniform in colour. When a mole becomes cancerous, there is a likelihod of colour change as diferent colour tones apear. If you wish to learn more about the modern methods of treatment, the pros and cons of such mole removal methods and how you can efectively remove them naturaly from home, do visit my blog. moles
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